STIL is a private equity investment company that trades on money and capital market instruments, as well as derivatives. STIL also trades in the commodity market with a special focus on solid minerals and agricultural products where other companies within the group operate in the upstream and midstream and downstream segments.
We leverage the expertise of our team to structure big ticket transactions that guarantee maximum returns for our clients and investors.
STIL undertakes public-private-partnership on new and existing projects with the government, and also takes over managements of comatose public assets and companies under a concession arrangement with a view to restructuring their operations, and repositioning them for sustained profitability.
Our venture capital operations help to fund start-ups with good prospects as active or angel investors, and offers advisory services to help the businesses through the incubation process till they attain maturity.
We help firms restructure the process and operation to comply with the requirements that will enable them raise funds from the capital market.